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Anew: Kindred Series Page 6

  “Alright then, I’ll see you Friday night at six o’clock sharp.” She walked out of the diner and decided to take a walk around town. It was mid-morning, and the day had warmed up. The sun was shining through the now-scattering clouds, and there was only a very slight breeze.

  The more she walked around the small shops, the more Cynthia felt like she was finally home. It was strange, but the feeling settled in her gut and she couldn’t shake that it had been meant for her to come here. She didn’t believe in fate and destinies, but somehow this felt like it was something like that. Maybe she was having a change of heart over her philosophical views. Who knew that was possible?

  After a couple hours of wandering around town the strange feeling of being watched made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. It felt creepy, not like that time at the diner, so she decided it was time to head back to her temporary home. She drove back in silence, all along contemplating the discoveries she made during her walk. Maybe moving to a town like this was a good idea. It had never been in her plans before, but why not go for it now?

  The only obstacle would be finding a job. She was well off with her inheritance for the moment, but if she didn’t invest soon it would eventually disappear. She would probably have to change her career goals and, even then, she doubted a small town like this would be able to offer a job that could support her current way of life. Not to mention I would burn a major bridge leaving the one company willing to give me a job without any work experience.

  Maybe she could ask Kristy’s grandparents about the town’s economy and possible jobs. If she could find a job that paid enough to support her living expenses, she could stay and figure out a way to invest her inheritance. Nodding to herself, she admitted that this was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to stay here. It felt like home, and she would try her best to make it happen.

  The sight of the cabin pulled her out of her thoughts. She made up her mind to move forward with her plan. If for whatever reason she couldn’t find work in town, then maybe she could commute to one of the neighboring cities. With her mind made up, she gave herself the rest of her stay to find a job and a more permanent place to rent.

  With that settled and a deep determination to be part of this beautiful town, she bounded up the steps and opened the front door. She was starting her life again; moving on from the two traumatic years she spent married to Dylan, and from the past year she’d spent battling her divorce and watching her mother wither away as the cancer consumed her. It was time for her to find herself again, and she knew deep down that she could do that here.

  Chapter 6


  In the office, the council awaited Luke’s arrival. Apparently, Joe had spread the word that Luke had possibly found his mate. Great! Now he had to listen to them plan and get all excited over the prospect of the pack alpha finally being mated.

  Jack sat in his usual spot with a knowing smile on his face. Before Luke could take his seat at the head of the table, Jack waved him over. “Just wanted to let you know that Lucy is preparing dinner this Friday at six. She … um … invited that pretty lady of yours. She wants you to be there, too, says it’s a way to smooth her into pack life.”

  Luke grunted inwardly but acquiesced to Jack’s invitation. He would take any time he could spend with Cynthia, even if it meant sitting through Lucy’s scrutinizing glare. “Six it is then. Tell Lucy she better say nice things about me.”

  “Will do, oh, and she said don’t be late or she’ll skin you.”

  “When it comes to Lucy, I wouldn’t dare.”

  Pack runs were held every month and usually didn’t require much planning other than buying the usual bonfire supplies. Tonight’s run, however, marked the year’s second quarterly run. It was a special night for the entire pack because some of the cubs were finally old enough to join the run for the first time.

  As a tradition, he, as pack Alpha, had to give a speech and introduce the matured cubs to the pack. The cubs would shift in front of everyone, showing off their wolf to the pack. The rest of the pack would shift and they would all run together.

  It was a night of celebration. The happy energy in the office was palpable, but he was having a hard time focusing. All he could think about was that pretty redhead and her enticing curves. They didn’t know each other, but his feelings were too intense and growing with every day that passed since he first encountered her scent at the diner. Problem was he really had no idea how to approach the issue without scaring her off. He knew he couldn’t just come out and tell her he was a shifter and the pack Alpha. His wolf, on the other hand, was having a hard time understanding that, and had been constantly pushing him to claim their mate.


  A knock at the door pulled Cynthia from her writing. She sat at the small desk right after she’d cleaned up her breakfast dishes and hadn’t looked up since. The book was going so well that every time she began to write she got lost in her make-believe world. Shutting down her laptop, she stood, stretching her back and legs. Wow, she’d been writing for three hours.

  Another knock, and she hurried to the door.

  A spicy earth scent hit her as she grabbed for the door knob, the smell so alluring heat spread throughout her body and pooled between her legs. Shaking her head to clear her flustered brain, she took one last deep breath and opened the door. The sight almost made her legs fall from under her. Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome stood there with a devastatingly sexy smile.

  She greeted him with the friendliest smile she could muster in an attempt to cover how aroused she’d become all of a sudden.

  “Hi Luke, thank you so much for coming so promptly, please come in.” Stepping aside, she allowed him to enter and closed the door.

  “It’s no problem. I wouldn’t want you going cold at night if I can help it.” His eyes swept over her and she barely suppressed the urge to shudder as a warm tingling sensation ran down her spine.

  Her hand involuntarily went to her neck as she averted her eyes from his. “Well then, I’m sure you know your way to the heating unit. Please, make yourself at home.” He stood for a moment staring at her, making her fidget. What was he doing? She wouldn’t be able to hide how much his presence affected her if he kept staring.

  Without a word, he smiled wickedly and took a step toward the back of the cabin, breaking the awkward moment. Looking over his shoulder his voice resounded strong and confident. “This should be fairly quick. I’ll be out of your way in a couple of minutes.” And just like that her bubble burst, saddened by the knowledge he would be leaving so soon.

  Deciding she was most definitely losing her mind, she strolled into the kitchen and set about making coffee. Her attempt to keep busy and not think about all the things his gorgeously strong hands were surely capable of doing to her body was practically impossible. All she could think about was stripping his clothes off and running her hands all over his toned muscles, which she knew he had by the way his clothes clung to his body. A sheen of sweat spread throughout her body as her imagination ran wild. She had never experienced such lust, not even with her ex-husband. Trying to find a reason to the madness she was experiencing, she concluded it had to be the fact that she hadn’t been with a man in way over two years.

  An exquisite aroma filled the cabin, signaling that coffee was done. Deciding she could at least offer Mr. Gorgeous one of her famous cups of coffee in appreciation for his prompt help, she turned from the counter and reached for a pair of cups.

  To her surprise, he stood at the kitchen’s entryway looking at her. A seductive smile decorated his handsome face, making a dimple appear on his right cheek.

  She swallowed a couple of times and somehow, in an effort to not make a fool of herself, found her voice. “Well, you weren’t kidding when you said it’d be quick. Thank you again for coming.”

  “Actually, I couldn’t light the pilot. Turns out I need to replace it. I’m sorry you’ll have to endure another cold night, but the hardware store is closed .
.. so, I’ll have to pick the part up tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh, well I’ll just make sure I don’t kick my blankets off the bed then.” She poured two cups of coffee and motioned for him to join her at the small kitchen table. “Please, have a cup of coffee before you leave.”

  He immediately obliged. “Of course, it smells great. What coffee do you use?” He took a seat where she placed his steaming cup of coffee.

  A pleased smile spread across her lips. “Oh, you won’t find this in any store. It’s my special blend of the best quality coffee I could find at your local grocery store and a mix of very special spices. Do you take cream and sugar?” Taking a sip from her cup, she sat across from him and looked at him through her lowered lashes. She couldn’t believe she was flirting, but it felt good when he responded.

  He smiled and leaned in as close as possible from across the small table. “Black is perfect, thank you. And, if you won’t share your secret with me, then I guess you’ll be seeing a lot of me, because I’ll be over every morning to get my fix of your delicious concoction.” He straightened in his chair and his wide smile turned sexy.

  Cynthia felt her heart speed up and more heat pool between her thighs, making it hard to hide how turned on she was. She racked her brain for a socially acceptable way to respond, when he stood. As he walked to the sink to deposit his empty cup, Cynthia admired his sculpted behind. He turned unexpectedly, and Cynthia wanted the earth to swallow her whole, as she was certain he had caught her staring.

  His wickedly sexy smile was back, and his knowing eyes zeroed in on Cynthia like a hawk. “Well, Cynthia, it’s been a pleasure for us both. But I have to head out. I’ll be back tomorrow morning after I stop by the hardware store.”

  Cynthia stood, clearing her throat as he made for the entryway. “Thank you again for coming. I, um … I’ll see you tomorrow morning then?” She didn’t mean it to sound like a question, but somehow that’s how it came out. She had to admit to herself that she really did want to know if she would see him again tomorrow. Following Luke to the door, Cynthia locked it after him and leaned against it, taking deep breaths.

  She was mature enough to admit she was in trouble. She had an unexplainable attraction to Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome, and she had it bad. Now she just had to decide whether she had it in her to act on her lustful desires.


  Luke stood on the porch and listened to Cynthia lean against the door. He could hear her taking deep breaths. She had been as affected by him as he was by her, and knowing made it that much harder to leave. He needed her like he needed to take his next breath. That’s why he had practically ran out the door before he scared her with his raging desire.

  He stood there until he heard her walk away, not until then was he able to win the internal battle he was fighting with his wolf. It was becoming harder and harder to keep his wolf under control. He knew it was only a matter of time before he lost all reason, and instinct would take over. The wolf would claim his mate at whatever cost. He couldn’t let that happen. He wanted her to know who he truly was and willingly bond herself to him.

  He stepped off the porch and climbed into his truck. The pack would be waiting for him at the field in less than an hour. He set aside his need for his mate and let the Alpha in him take over. He had a responsibility toward his pack and he would not fail them, no matter what he was battling.

  He reached his cabin and shut the engine off. He didn’t need to take his truck to the field, since he always preferred to run there instead. It allowed him to think and clear his mind before he had to address the pack. He walked through the cabin and straight to the backdoor, shedding his clothes and calling on his wolf on the back porch.

  He welcomed every stretch and reshaping of his bones and muscles. Before the blink of an eye, where a man once stood, a massive black wolf took his place. He dug his paws in the earth and reveled in the feel of it. To him it felt cool and soft. The smells that surrounded him intensified, and he inhaled, savoring the dampness in the air and the scent of the pines that spread across the vast forest he called home. He stretched and let out a deep howl. His pack answered, and he rushed past his backyard and into the canopy of evergreens. He flew past the massive trees and reached the field where his pack awaited. They stood around chatting with each other. He could feel the excitement in the air as the young cubs lingered near the fire pit. It was their night, and their excitement was palpable. He took in his pack and gave thanks for the unity they all shared. Unlike some packs that constantly battled with rivalry, jealousy and dissension, his was united and successful. It took extreme effort and all of the first decade of his leadership to get them here, but moments like these confirmed it had been worth it.

  He shifted back to his human form and approached the elders, his nakedness not bothering him. For the most part pack runs had become more of a bonding event. Nonetheless, he grabbed a pair of sweats from their spare clothes box.

  Jack smiled knowingly from his spot amongst the elders. “Hey Luke, how’s that heating unit coming along?”

  He should’ve known Matt would rat him out to Jack. “Came into some trouble with a broken part, but I should have it running tomorrow.”

  Candace Owen, always wanting to know how pack interests were doing, didn’t hesitate to inquire. “What unit is that? I thought all our rentals were renovated last year.”

  “It’s nothing to worry about, Candace. It’s one of my personal rentals. Margaret makes sure we stay on track with all the pack real-estate upkeeps.” Looking around the gathering Luke spotted Layla sitting with Mindy. By the look on Mindy’s face he knew it couldn’t be good. Mindy looked like she was about to cry, and Layla had that delusional look she had that night in the bar’s john. He hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Mindy yet and, by the looks of it now, he would have to fix any mess Layla might have just caused. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to make my rounds so we can get started. The cubs look just about ready to explode if we don’t get on with the ceremony soon.”

  Judith replied with a smile in her voice, “You’re right. They’re so excited.” Luke nodded and walked away, flagging Matt over.

  “Matt, I need you to do some intervention. Layla’s been sitting with Mindy and, by the looks of it, it can’t be good. Please go talk to Mindy and make sure she’s alright?” Matt nodded and walked toward the two women while Luke moved to make his rounds with the pack.

  Thankfully all was well with everyone in the pack. Apparently the only one with unresolved issues was him. He really had to talk to Mindy and end their arrangement. The talk with Layla had gone slightly askew, but he knew Mindy, like Layla, was well aware of the speculations of their agreement, and was a lot more reasonable and even tempered.

  Shaking his head to clear the inner turmoil, he made his way to the center of the clearing. Everyone gathered around, and he sought Matt to confirm Mindy was alright before he could address the pack. Matt nodded and draped a friendly arm around Mindy, showing him all was well. Relieved, Luke addressed the pack, presenting the five young cubs that would be joining the run for the first time tonight. The pack cheered the cubs on as they shed their clothes and began their shift. In a few minutes five wolves stood before the pack. He led the rest of the pack in their change and the run was on.

  Chapter 7


  Luke’s heart raced with the excitement of the run. His senses were tuned into all of his surroundings. He could taste the dampness in the air and the scent of the pines with every breath he took; the feel of the earth beneath his paws made him feel one with nature. He knew everyone in the pack shared the feeling, and that brought them closer—it was a bond they all shared.

  Matt flanked his right and Jack his left. He ran hard and fast until he his muscles burned. He loved that feeling; it was the only way to keep control of the wolf.

  As he slowed his pace and looked around, he saw his pack. Most were running and playing, while some had wandered off, looking for privacy. He lay on
the earth and rested his snout on his paws. Before he could fully relax, however, a scream broke through the night. Luke shot up and looked around, accounting for everyone.

  Another scream rang through the mountain as he realized Layla was gone. He sniffed the air and followed Layla’s trail with Matt and Evan flanking him; James, Dan, and Joe followed behind. The others made their way back to the clearing. It was their number one rule: if anything happened during a run, the pack would head back to the clearing with the elders while he and his four assessed the situation. Joe would join him and his four as a representative of the council.

  Concentrating on the task at hand, Luke followed Layla’s scent. His scent was mixed with hers, and he realized she had followed the path he had traveled from his cabin to the clearing. Realization hit him like a freight train; if Layla followed his scent past his cabin, she would end up at Cynthia’s cabin. Layla hadn’t taken the termination of their arrangement well, and that raised all kinds of red flags.

  At top speed Luke rushed through the woods. When he reached his cabin, he didn’t even stop to check if Layla had been there. Her scent continued past his cabin and his heart clutched in fear for Cynthia. His wolf took over, running down the path he had taken back and forth to Cynthia’s cabin so many times. He tried to reason with his wolf that no one except his four knew about Cynthia, but the last talk he had with Layla played on his mind. He was certain there was something seriously wrong with Layla, and that meant there was a possibility she could retaliate against Cynthia.

  His blood pounded in his ears as he ran, pushing himself harder than he ever had. His wolf’s need to protect their mate shut everything out. All he could think about was getting to Cynthia. If Layla hurt his mate, she would forfeit her life. There was no way his wolf would allow her to live. She didn’t know Cynthia was his mate, but that didn’t excuse her behavior. The pack was forbidden to hurt humans, and as far as anyone was concerned, Cynthia was human.